I have never used plaid fabric before. Apparently matching it requires some thought and planning. While I knew that, and had read that, and was fully expecting it and keeping it in the front of my mind, I did not discover my errors until I had hand-basted the lining to every single bodice piece.

Of course, not matching plaids is perfectly period-correct, due to fabric-saving methods, but I didn't want to look like one half of my torso was lower than the other in the front, or a victim of scoliosis in the back. So, counting on that extra yard of fabric, I picked apart the pieces, and recut them.

Much better. Now I must rebaste them before I can continue, but I figure the more I do it, the faster I'll get (it must have ttaken me an hour and a half to do both pieces the first time).
Here's a picture of the lining basted to the fabric on the front bodice piece. It looks kind of distorted because I've pinned the darts.

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